Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tanya is showing me how to update my blog. We chose this picture because this is why she hasn't blogged since last Oct. Hadlee would keep anybody going full time. Not to mention all the time at the beach, the swap meet, Palm Springs and did I mention quality time with her sista's. Oh, did I mention Gwen Stefani, her too. She promises to be better now that she has had a brief tutorial. So keep checking back and posting annoying messages if you never see anything new.


queenieweenie said...

I LOVE it!!! Keep blogging girl. I can't wait to hear about all your Idaho adventures.

I miss your face. Come home.

shayla said...

Would you get a new post already???????

Anonymous said...

Yeah, girl get a new post, or let me sign on to your account and I'll post for you. Actually I can't talk to much I haven't been posting very often myself. But more than NEVER!